Laws | State by State

Please Note: This information is provided for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice.

If you wish to contact the police regarding an incident at a convention, if it's in a state you havent't spent much time in, you may be unfamiliar with that state's laws. It's also not uncommon for the person who attacked or is harassing you to try to deter you from reporting by claiming it's not illegal, or threatening you with legal action. While not comprehensive, these regional tables provide information regarding laws on assault, harassment, stalking, and other relevant statutes. Calling the police is not always a viable option, and we understand if you're unable to do so; however, sometimes knowledge really is power, and if you inform the person who is harassing you that you're aware of the law, that may help deter them and get them to leave you alone.

If you are reporting a crime to the police, try to include as much detail as you can, including when and where it happened, any witnesses, and the name and/or description of the attacker/harasser.

For information on what you can do to help as a bystander, click here.

If you note any errors or wish to contribute, please contact us at

[ Work in Progress - last updated 07.26.2020 - Added Indiana. ]

Arizona | California | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Illinois | Indiana | Massachusetts | Michigan | Missouri | New Jersey | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Pennsylvania | Tennessee | Texas | Virginia | Washington | US Federal Law


For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Cyberbullying It's illegal to harass another person via telephone, email, social media, or other means.
Disorderly Conduct Abusive or offensive language or gestures that may immediate physical retaliation is considered disorderly conduct, as is "unreasonable noise" and "fighting, violent or seriously disruptive behavior."
Harassment This is definded as conduct that is directed at a specific person and would cause you to be alarmed, annoyed, or harassed. It is also illegal to follow you around in a public place without a good reason if you've asked them to stop at least once.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, or disability.
Indecent Exposure This is defined as exposing one's genitals or nipples to you if it would offend or alarm you.
Photography/Audio & Video Recording As a "one party consent" state, you may record any audio conversation you are privy to without the consent of the other person. Audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Rape is covered under the sexual assault statute.
Sexual Assault This is defined as intentionally engaging in sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact with any person without consent.
Stalking If a person intentionally engages in a pattern of behavior that causes you to fear for your safety, that is considered stalking. It must involved two (2) or more incidents.
Voyeurism It is illegal to record or photograph you without your consent when you should have a reasonable expectation of privacy. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.
Other Laws Touching a woman's breast without consent is considered sexual abuse.

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Please note that California has a Victims' Bill of Rights.

For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Cyberbullying Using electronic communication to make someone fear for their safety, or the safety of their family. In addition, if a crime is recorded with "the intent to encourage or facilitate the offense" is an aggravating factor.
Disorderly Conduct Using obscene gestures or language, loitering in a bathroom with the intent of engaging in a lewd act, being intoxicated and impeding your path in a public area.
Harassment Following someone in public, making obscene communications, and/or threatening or assaulting someone.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, political affiliation, disability, or age.
Indecent Exposure Flashing is illegal.
Photography/Audio & Video Recording As a "two party consent" state, you may NOT record conversations you are privy to without the consent of the other person(s). However, audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Sexual conduct when the person is under fourteen (14), incapacitated, or under threat of force.
Sexual Assault There are several laws on the books in CA regarding sexual assault, including Forcible Pentration, Oral Copulation, Sexual Battery, and Sodomy.
Stalking Repeatedly following and/or harassing someone and making a credible threat against someone or their family that leaves them in fear of their safety.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.
Other Laws There is a Public Nuisance law that will apply if a person or group of people are persistently harassing people during a convention, or indeed, in any particular area.
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District of Columbia

For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Disorderly Conduct Loud, abusive, or disruptive behavior in a public place, intentionally making someone fear for their safety or damage to personal property, preventing them from safely using public transportation, "crowding" them, or inciting violence. It s illegal to obstruct someone's path in a public place.
Harassment Following someone in public, making obscene communications, and/or threatening or assaulting someone.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or political affiliation.
Indecent Exposure Flashing is illegal.
Photography/Video As a "one party consent" district, you may record any audio conversation you are privy to without the consent of the other person. Audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Covered under Sexual Abuse laws. Sexual conduct when the person is under thirteen (16), incapacitated, or under threat of force.
Sexual Assault Covered under the Sexual Abuse laws of the District. It is illegal to initial sexual content without consent with the intent to harass, embarass, degrade, or arouse.
Stalking Intentionally causing another person emotional distress, to fear for their safety or the safety of others, or to feel seriously alarmed, disturbed, or frightened. Requires two (2) or more incients.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.
Other Laws
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For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Please note: Florida laws explicitly states that voluntary consumption of a mind-altering substance is not a legal defense. Therefore, if someone harasses or assaults you, they cannot claim innocence in a court of law simply because they were drunk or under the influence of street drugs.

Category Current Statute
Cyberbullying Using electronic communication to willfully cause another person distress with no reasonable purpose is punishable under cyberstalking laws.
Disorderly Conduct Acts that disturb the peace and quiet and "sense of public decency". The statute is fairly vague and could cover a wide variety of offensive behavior in public.
Harassment Harassment is not a separate crime in Florida; repeated behavior that causes another person distress would be prosecuted under the stalking statute.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, disability, or age.
Indecent Exposure Exposing one's genitals in a vulgar manner; the penalty is higher if it is done in front of individuals who are 16 or younger.
Photography/Video As a "two party consent" state, you may NOT record conversations you are privy to without the consent of the other person(s). Furthermore, in 2015, the Florida Supreme Court in the case of McDade v. State ruled that even if one party is committing a criminal act, if they have an expectation of privacy, you may not record them. A proposed amendment to the state's Stored Communications Act has been proposed, but as of May 2018, it is unclear if it has gone anywhere.
However, audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Sexual penetration of a person without their consent, or if the victim is under 12 years old. Both rape and sexual assault are covered under the Sexual Battery statute.
Sexual Assault Sexual penetration of a person without their consent, or if the victim is under 12 years old. Both sexual assault and rape are covered under the Sexual Battery statute.
Stalking Engaging in a course of action that serves no legitimate purpose and causes emotional distress to a person.  The statute states it must be a "series of acts" over a period of time but does not specify a number.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.
Other Laws Nuisance laws apply to people who are bothering a community, such as someone who is harassing multiple people at a convention.
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For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Please note that if you talk back to someone who is harassing you, you should keep it simple and polite (e.g. please stop harassing me). State laws apparently prohibit offensive or vulgar language/actions both without and WITH provocation. In other words, if someone's harassing you and you flip them off or say something like, "Leave me the f*** alone," you may find yourself in some legal trouble.

Category Current Statute
Disorderly Conduct It is illegal to act in a violent or loud way that causes others to fear for their safety. What is commonly referred to as "fighting words" is prohibited - basically anything that might cause a fight to break out.
Harassment Using any kind of electronic communications to harass or threaten someone is illegal. In-person harassment falls under stalking or disorderly conduct.
Hate Crimes NO hate crime laws.
Indecent Exposure Exposure of genitals, public fondling, or behaving in a "lewd manner" while in a state of partial or total undress.
Photography/Video As a "one party consent" state you may record any audio conversation you are privy to without the consent of the other person. Audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape "Carnal knowledge" of a female against her will, or one who is under ten (10) years old.
Sexual Assault Basically, when a person with some form of power or control over the person engages in sexual activity with them. Unwanted sexual contact in other situations is covered under the sexual battery statute.
Stalking Following or contacting another person, or placing them under surveillance, with the purpose of harassing or intimidating them. This includes repeated electronic communications as well. Requires only ONE incident.
Voyeurism "Up-skirt" photos were just made illegal in Georgia in May of 2017.
Other Laws
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For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Cyberbullying It is illegal to use electronic communications to harass, make obscene proposals that offend, or make threats.
Disorderly Conduct Shouting, cursing, actions that may lead to a fight, or anything that alarms or disturbs another.
Harassment Any communication - verbal, written, electronic - that is obscene or indecent and made with the intent to offend, threaten, or annoy someone.  In addition, intimidating someone with threats ("do this or I'll do something bad to you") is a felony.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
Indecent Exposure Exposing one's self or engaging in sexual acts in public, done with the intent of obtaining sexual gratification.  Chicago's law is a little more specific as to what parts of the body can be exposed to be considered "indecent".
Photography/Video As a "two party consent" state, you may NOT record conversations you are privy to without the consent of the other person(s).  Audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy, but unlike in some other states, you must make sure you are not doing it in a "surreptitious" manner.  To protect yourself, you may wish to inform the person you are recording that you are doing so; otherwise you may be found in violation of the law.
Rape Covered under sexual assault laws.
Sexual Assault An act of sexual penetration done without consent, either through the use of force or when the person was unable to consent.
Stalking On at least two occasions, engaging in behavior that makes someone fearful.  If someone is following you and you tell them that you are uncomfortable and you want them to leave you alone, they can be arrested for stalking if they continue to follow you, even if they are not making specific threats to harm you.  The fact that you told them you were uncomfortable and asked them to stop is enough to demonstrate that you were fearful.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.  
Other Laws
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For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Cyberbullying This is defined as using telephone or electronic communications with the intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person.
Disorderly Conduct The statute defines this as "tumultuous" noise; if someone is being loud and shouting at you after you've told them to stop, this can be considered disorderly conduct.
Harassment It is illegal to repeatedly and intentionally contact someone, causing them distress.
Hate Crimes In 2019, the governor signed into law a bill that allows judges to impose longer sentences for crimes motivated by bias due to color, creed, disability, national origin, race, religtion, and sexual orientation. The bill has come under severe criticism for not covering gender, gender identity, and for being vague.
Indecent Exposure It's illegal to appear naked, masturbate, or engage in a sex act in public.
Photography/Audio & Video Recording As a "one party consent" state you may record any audio conversation you are privy to without the consent of the other person. Audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape This is defined as knowingly and intentionally forcing someone to engage in sexual activity, or engaging in sexual activity when they are unable to consent.
Sexual Assault Referred to as sexual battery, this is knowingly and intentionally having sexual intercourse with someone under the threat of force, without their knowledge and consent, or if they are disabled or otherwise unable to consent.
Stalking This is defined as an intentional series of actions that are repeated or continuing that cause you to feel frightened, intimidated, or threatened.
Voyeurism Indiana state law prohibits viewing you without your consent or take pictures in an area where you have a resonable expectation of privacy. "Upskirt" photos are illegal but "downblouse" shots do not appear to be.
Other Laws It is illegal for someone to stop you from reporting a crime. If you are trying to call 911 or contact a police officer and someone stops you from doing so, by preventing you from leaving or taking your phone, they can be charged with this crime. It is also illegal to force you to come in contact with blood, feces, semen, or urine.

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For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Disorderly Conduct Being disruptive in a public place or obstructing someone's free passage - the statute is not very well-defined, but should cover any and all abusive behavior.
Harassment Following someone in a public place or maliciously causing someone distress or alarm. NOTE: under the law, this behavior is not considered harassment UNLESS you tell them to stop at least once.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
Indecent Exposure Flashing is illegal.
Photography/Video As a "two party consent" state, you may NOT record conversations you are privy to without the consent of the other person(s). However, audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Sexual intercourse without consent, either by force or incapacitation, or if the victim is under fourteen (14) and the perpetrator is at least four (4) years older.
Sexual Assault Under sexual offense and sodomy laws, other sexual content without consent, either by force or incapacitation, or if the victim is under fourteen (14) and the perpetrator is at least four (4) years older.
Stalking Intentionally causing another person emotional distress, to fear for their safety, or to feel seriously alarmed, disturbed, or frightened. Requires two (2) or more incients.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.
Other Laws

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For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Disorderly Conduct Activity in public that is threatening, violent, invading privacy, or making a situation hazardous.
Harassment Mostly covered under disordely conduct laws, although there is a law prohibiting "of the opposite sex" from saying offensive comments to you. This statute is woefully unhelpful to anyone harassed by someone of the same gender and others in the LGBTQ+ community.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
Indecent Exposure Under the statute, someone must intentionally expose their genitals to another person, who was subsequently offended by the act, to be considered indecent exposure.
Photography/Video Wiretapping laws in Massachusetts are extremely restrictive. They are a "two-party consent" state, meaning you cannot record private conversations without the consent of all individuals involved. However, while most states allow recording in "public" areas where there is "no expectation of privacy," that distinction does not exist here. There have been several cases of people being arrested for recording police activity because they did not inform the police beforehand. If you feel that you need to record public conversations to document harassment, make sure you repeatedly inform the person they are being recorded.
Rape Sexual intercourse without consent, by force, or with threat of bodily harm.
Sexual Assault There are indecent assault & battery and sodomy statutes, although they are fairly vague.
Stalking Under Massachusetts law, stalking must involve THREE willful acts that alarm, threaten, or distress you.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph private areas of your body without your consent. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.
Other Laws
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For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Please note that if you talk back to someone who is harassing you, you should keep it simple and polite (e.g. please stop harassing me). State laws prohibit offensive or vulgar language/actions and there is a specific (sexist) law that says vulgar language in front of women and children is illegal. In other words, if someone's harassing you and you flip them off or say something like, "Leave me the f*** alone," especially if women and minors are around, you may find yourself in some legal trouble.

Category Current Statute
Cyberbullying It is illegal to send email or electronic communications to someone when they have expressed that doing so would be unwanted or distressing.
Disorderly Conduct Acts that disturb the peace and quiet and "sense of public decency".  The statute is fairly vague and could cover a wide variety of offensive behavior in public.
Harassment There does not appear to be a statute against harassment; see the Stalking and Other Laws sections.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, or gender.
Indecent Exposure It is illegal to expose oneself to another person, and it is also illegal to expose another person without their consent (e.g. pulling up your shirt).
Photography/Video The way the law is written, it looks as if Michigan as an "all party" consent state, meaning you cannot record private conversations without the permission of all parties.
However, the court in Sullivan v. Gray ruled that a person in a private conversation could record it without the permission of the other party, and that the law only applied to conversations you were not a participant in.This judicial interpretation would make it a "one-party" consent state.
Rape Covered under Criminal Sexual Conduct (First Degree), sexual penetration of a person without their consent, by using a weapon, making/carrying out threats of physical violence, while the person is incapable of consenting, or if the person is under thirteen (13) years of age.
Sexual Assault Covered under Criminal Sexual Conduct (Second Degree), sexual contact with a person without their consent, by using a weapon, making/carrying out threats of physical violence, while the person is incapable of consenting, or if the person is under thirteen (13) years of age.
Stalking At least two (2) "separate" acts that make a person feel frightened, threatened, intimidated, or harassed.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent, as well as take pictures of you in your underwear in any place where you have a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Other Laws Cursing in public is illegal, and there's a rather sexist law still on the books prohibiting obscene or insulting language in front of a woman or children.
Someone can also be found guilty of attempting to commit a crime, even if they do not succeed.
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For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Disorderly Conduct Blocking your path in a public place, using offensive and threatening language that is likely to either start a fight or put you in fear for your safety, and oddly, using vulgar and offensive language on a bus or bus company property.
Harassment Making threats, using offensive language that makes someone fearful, making repeated unwanted contact, or any other action that causes distress is considered harassment.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or disability.
Indecent Exposure Sexual misconduct laws cover exposure of genitalia or solicitation of sexual activity if either offends the other person.
Photography/Video As a "one party consent" state you may record any audio conversation you are privy to without the consent of the other person. Audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Sexual intercourse while someone is unconscious or otherwise unable to consent, or by the use of force.  Statutory rape applies to sexual intercourse with someone under the age of fourteen (14) OR if the person is older than twenty-one (21) and has sex with someone under the age of seventeen (17).
Sexual Assault Covered by sexual abuse and sexual misconduct laws - sexual contact without the other person's consent.
Stalking Someone is guilty of stalking if they (on at least two occasions) threaten your safety, the safety of your family, the safety of your animals, or damage to your property.  In addition, if you are under the age of seventeen and you are made distressed because you are being followed by someone twenty-one years or older, that is considered stalking, even if they do not make direct threats.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.  In addition, the charge becomes more severe if the photos are disseminated.
Other Laws
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New Jersey

For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Cyberbullying Making threats or lewd/obscene statements is considered cyberbullying, but intent to harass/bully must be demonstrated. If someone claims they were just doing it as a "joke" then they may be able to get away with it unless it can be proven this is not true.
Disorderly Conduct Using loud or abusive language, making threats, being violent, or making an unsafe situation in public.
Harassment Any communication that threatens, uses offensive language, or is designed to annoy or alarm someone. Coercing someone using threats is also a criminal offense.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, age, or disability.
Indecent Exposure Exposing one's genitals in public.
Photography/Video As a "one party consent" state, you may record any audio conversation you are privy to without the consent of the other person.  Audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Aggravated Sexual Assault in the First Degree - sexual penetration committed through use of force/intimidation, during the commission of a felony, when the victim was incapacitated, or the victim was under the age of 13.
Sexual Assault Sexual contact committed through use of force/intimidation, during the commission of a felony, when the victim was incapacitated, or the victim was under the age of 13.
Stalking On at least two occasions, engaging in behavior that makes someone fearful or experience emotional distress, including following someone or communicating harassment and/or threats.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent. The law is not clear on if "up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.  
Other Laws

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New York

For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Disorderly Conduct Loud, abusive, or disruptive behavior in a public place, with an intent to obstruct someone's path, make them fear for their safety, or to incite violence.
Harassment Repeated actions (at least twice) with no legal purpose that upset or alarm someone.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Indecent Exposure Flashing is illegal.
Photography/Video As a "one party consent" state, you may record any audio conversation you are privy to without the consent of the other person. Audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Sexual intercourse performed without consent, either by force or while the person is incapacitated, or with a person under the age of consent (eleven for perpetrators of all ages, seventeen if the perpetrator is over twenty-one years old).
Sexual Assault Covered by sexual misconduct, criminal sexual assault, sexual abuse, and forible touching laws.
Stalking Intentionally causing another person emotional distress, to fear for their safety or the safety of others, or to feel seriously alarmed, disturbed, or frightened. Requires two (2) or more incients.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.
Other Laws Loitering without a legitimate purpose is illegal.
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North Carolina

For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Please note that if you talk back to someone who is harassing you, you should keep it simple and polite (e.g. please stop harassing me). State laws prohibit offensive or vulgar language on public roads. In other words, if someone's harassing you on the street and you flip them off or say something like, "Leave me the f*** alone," you may find yourself in some legal trouble.

Category Current Statute
Cyberbullying It is illegal to use electronic communication to repeatedly contact someone, threaten violence, or make false statements with the intent of annoying, abusing, embarassing, or harassing them.
Disorderly Conduct Abusive language that is likely to start a fight is prohibited.
Harassment Covered under stalking laws; requires two or more incidents.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, or gender.
Indecent Exposure Exposing your genitals in public while others are present.
Photography/Audio & Video Recording As a "one party consent" state you may record any audio conversation you are privy to without the consent of the other person. Audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Strictly defined as vaginal intercourse with someone without their consent, using force or incapacitation.
Sexual Assault Covered under sexual battery & sexual offense laws—any sexual act performed on someone using force or incapacitation.
Stalking Monitoring, surveilling, or threatening someone with the intent of tormenting or terrorizing that person. The law requires two (2) incidents.
It is also illegal to use an electronic tracking device to monitor someone's movements without their consent.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.
Other Laws

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North Dakota

For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Disorderly Conduct This statute covers following around someone in a public place, using obscene language or gestures, flashing someone, or being excessively loud in a public place.
Harassment Any communication that threatens, uses offensive language, or is designed to annoy or alarm someone.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race or gender.
Indecent Exposure Exposing one's genitals and/or masturbating in public.
Photography/Video As a "one party consent" state, you may record any audio conversation you are privy to without the consent of the other person.  Audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Referred to as Gross Sexual Imposition - sexual contact performed through the use of force/threats, while the victim was incapacitated, or if the victim is under the age of 13.
Sexual Assault Sexual contact with another person, knowing that the victim finds such contact offensive, either while the victim is incapacitated, while the victim is in official custody or detained, or if the victim is 15 or younger and the other person is an adult.
Stalking On at least two occasions, engaging in behavior that frightens, intimidates, or harasses someone else.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent in places where you expect privacy. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photos, if taken in public, are NOT illegal.
Other Laws Sexual Imposition makes it illegal to engage in sexual contact as part of an initiation or hazing in a street gang, regardless if such an act was consensual or not.
A person is guilty of terrorizing another if they are behaving as if they are going to commit a crime, threatening to do so, or in any way making another person fear for their safety.
Menacing is when a person makes the victim fearful of bodily injury.
Criminal Coercion is forcing another person to perform an action by threatening them with harm if they don't.
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For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Disorderly Conduct Making offensive comments, including to provoke violence.
Harassment Mostly covered under stalking laws; there is also a law prohibiting telephone harassment.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, or ethnicity.
Indecent Exposure Flashing and public masturbation is illegal.
Photography/Audio & Video Recording As a "one party consent" state, you may record any audio conversation you are privy to without the consent of the other person. Audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Sexual conduct when the person is under thirteen (13), incapacitated, or under threat of force.
Sexual Assault Mostly covered under the rape statute. Nonconsensual groping is considered Gross Sexual Imposition.
Stalking Knowingly causing someone mental distress or making them/their family believe they are in danger of physical harm. Requires two (2) or more incidents. Includes encouraging someone else to harass the person.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.
Other Laws
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For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Disorderly Conduct Using obscene gestures or language, fighting or threatening, creating an offensive environment.
Harassment Following someone in public, making obscene communications, and/or threatening or assaulting someone.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, or ethnicity.
Indecent Exposure Flashing is illegal.
Photography/Audio & Video Recording As a "two party consent" state, you may NOT record conversations you are privy to without the consent of the other person(s). However, audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Sexual conduct when the person is under thirteen (13), incapacitated, or under threat of force.
Sexual Assault There are several laws on the books in PA regarding sexual assault, including Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse, Indecent Assault, and Sodomy.
Stalking Knowingly causing someone emotional distress or making them/their family believe they are in danger of physical harm. Requires two (2) or more incidents.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.
Other Laws Open Lewdness laws may cover activity where nudity is not involved but it is clearly obscene.
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For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Disorderly Conduct Any noises made in public that serve to annoy, alarm, or threaten.
Harassment ONLY covers harassment made over the phone, in writing, or online. In-person harassment is covered by disorderly conduct & stalking statutes.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, ethnicity, disability, age, or sexual orientation. Gender identity is NOT covered.
Indecent Exposure Flashing is illegal.
Photography/Video As a "one party consent" state, you CAN record conversations you are privy to without the consent of the other person(s), and audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Sexual intercourse without consent, by force, incapacitation, bodily injury, or fraud. The statutory rape laws are somewhat complicated, but sexual penetration of a victim under the age of twelve (12) is always considered rape. Other statutes apply if the victim is under the age of eighteen with at least a four (4) year age difference, or if the rapist is in a position of power.
Sexual Assault Sexual battery and sodomy laws cover sexual activity without consent by force, incapacitation, fraud, or bodily injury.
Stalking If someone has contact with you without your consent, at least twice, they can be charged with stalking.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph you without your consent if the photographer is doing it for their own sexual arousal or to embarrass/humlitate you. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.
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For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Cyberbullying It is illegal to repeatedly contact someone via electronic communication with the intent of harassing, embarrassing, intimidating, threatening, or tormenting them.
Disorderly Conduct Using abusive, vulgar, or offensive works or gestures in public where it leads to a "breach of the peace" - i.e. actions that may lead to a fight.
Harassment Making threats, using offensive language that makes someone fearful, making repeated unwanted contact, or any other action that causes distress is considered harassment.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, religion, or ethnicity.
Indecent Exposure Exposing one's genitalia or buttocks to another person without consent in a manner that alarms or upsets the other person.
Photography/Video As a "one party consent" state you may record any audio conversation you are privy to without the consent of the other person. Audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Rape is covered under the sexual assault statutes.
Sexual Assault Intentionally and knowingly engaging in sexual contact with someone without their consent.  It's considered "aggravated sexual assault" if it was done with a threat of violence, if violent acts were actually committed, during a kidnapping, if certain drugs (roofies, GHB, or ketamine) were used, or if the victim is under fourteen (14) years of age and/or disabled.
Stalking On at least two occasions, engaging in behavior that causes another person to feel harassed, distressed, alarmed, embarassed, tormented, and/or in fear of harm coming to themselves, their significant other, or their family.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.  
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For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Please note that if you talk back to someone who is harassing you, you should keep it simple and polite (e.g. please stop harassing me). State laws prohibit offensive or vulgar language/actions. In other words, if someone's harassing you and you flip them off or say something like, "Leave me the f*** alone," you may find yourself in some legal trouble.

Category Current Statute
Cyberbullying It is illegal to use a computer or computer network to make obscene communications or threaten someone.
Disorderly Conduct Actions that are intended to annoy, alarm, or anger someone to the point of causing a fight.
Harassment No stand alone statute; covered under stalking laws.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race or religion.
Indecent Exposure Flashing is illegal.
Photography/Audio & Video Recording As a "one party consent" state, you may record any audio conversation you are privy to without the consent of the other person. Audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Sexual intercourse with someone without their consent, using force, threat, or incapacitation.
Sexual Assault Under "forcible sodomy" laws, any sexual act performed on someone without their consent, using threats, force, or incapacitation.
Stalking Engaging in behavior that is intended to make someone fear death, sexual assault, or injury. Requires two (incidents) and the stalking law does not apply to law enforcement officials acting in the performance of their official duties.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph the intimate parts of your body without your consent. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.
Other Laws An "unorderly assembly" law prohibits groups of three or more gathering with the intent to disturb the peace.
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For a list of this state's conventions & how their harassment policies rate, click here.

Category Current Statute
Disorderly Conduct ONLY abusive language that makes you fear for physical violence or obstructing your path.
Harassment These laws mainly cover threats of physical violence. Other behavior like catcalling may still be able to be considered harassment, however, if you become fearful because of it.
Hate Crimes Higher penalties for crimes motivated by race, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability.
Indecent Exposure Any exposure of genitals that is intentionally done with the purpose of causing distress or alarm.
Photography/Video As a "two party consent" state, you may NOT record conversations you are privy to without the consent of the other person(s). However, audio and video recording is legal in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.
Rape Sexual intercourse without consent, by force, during a kidnapping, or when the person was incapacitated.
Sexual Assault There are not separate laws for sexual assault; they are included in rape statutes.
Stalking The law requires two incidents of someone trying to frighten, intimidate, or harass a person. There is also a cyberstalking law that prohibits electronic communication with the intent of frightening, intimidating, or harassing someone either through threats or obscene content.
Voyeurism It is illegal to photograph private areas of your body without your consent. "Up-skirt" and "down-blouse" photography is illegal.
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United States Federal Law

Category Current Statute
Cyberstalking Using mail, any interactive computer service or electronic communication service to make someone fear for their safety, or the safety of their family.
Stalking It is against federal statute to travel across state lines with the intent to harm, intimidate, or harass someone.

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