District of Columbia

If you know of a convention that needs to be added to the list or have updated your own convention's policy, you can fill out the form here. If you find any broken links or have any questions about this page, please contact Fractali at admin@cosplayer-ssn.org. This is a perpetual work in progress!

A guide to some of DC's laws can be found here.

A means they meet the criterion.
A means they have partially met the criterion.
A means they fail the criterion.

Additional notes for clarification can be found below the table.

Listed on Website
Easy to Find
Harassment Defined
Consequences Defined
Issues with Staff
Contact Listed
Anime USA
Awesome Con

Note: conventions with * have either not updated for several years, have a malfunctioning website, or may be defunct.

Note: Otakon's policy is an extension of Otakorp's code of conduct and it legally applies to Otakon. However, on the website itself, it is unclear that it contains a more thorough harassment policy than the one on Otakon's policy page exists on this code of conduct. We strongly recommend that Otakon make it apparent that making an incident report can be reached by clicking through to the Otakorp code of conduct. While the incident report and fuller policy do exist there, if it is difficult for someone in active crisis to find these resources, they are less likely to be used. For this reason, we are unable to list the Otakon harassment policy as "easy to find."

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