
If you know of a convention that needs to be added to the list or have updated your own convention's policy, you can fill out the form here. If you find any broken links or have any questions about this page, please contact Fractali at This is a perpetual work in progress!

A means they meet the criterion.
A means they have partially met the criterion.
A means they fail the criterion.

Additional notes for clarification can be found below the table.

Listed on Website
Easy to Find
Harassment Defined
Consequences Defined
Issues with Staff
Contact Listed
Animate! Des Moines
Anime Ames / "Ani Ames"
Anime Nebraskon
Iowa Brick Convention

Note: conventions with * have either not updated for several years, have a malfunctioning website, or may be defunct.

Note: We find Anime Nebraskon's reporting form to be restrictive to the point of being discouraging. All items must be answered, which is not always possible or desired when reporting, and the form will not submit otherwise. This information includes phone number and email address with no indication that the information will not be distributed, which can be a concern especially for stalking survivors. The form also asks the respondent to "describe the situation in full," and to "spare no detail." Survivors of sexual assault, etc. should not have to give a detailed report in order to be believed or in fact to make a report in the first place. We feel that the phrasing could be better altered to something like, "describe the situation in as much detail as you are comfortable and able." We would like to remind Anime Nebraskon that no convention is police in and of itself and as such they are not obligated to require people reporting an incident to give that much detail; IF the survivor would like to take their incident to the police, that should be their sole decision. Additionally, the "Department" reporting requirement is confusing. If the reporting form is only supposed to be filled out by staff, that should be noted. If not, that detail should not be a requirement to report, as someone without a Department to note would fill it in however they needed (e.g., incorrect information, nonsense words) to be able to submit the form. Please improve this form to receive full marks.

Note: Anime-zing!'s policy does not specifically define "harassment," but rather "unacceptable behavior." It is a Ryan Køpf con.

Note: DemiCon's policy includes contacts for if anyone has questions about the policy. While this could mean a contact for someone wishing to report online, it is not explicit.

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