New Mexico

If you know of a convention that needs to be added to the list or have updated your own convention's policy, you can fill out the form here. If you find any broken links or have any questions about this page, please contact Fractali at This is a perpetual work in progress!

A means they meet the criterion.
A means they have partially met the criterion.
A means they fail the criterion.

Additional notes for clarification can be found below the table.

Listed on Website
Easy to Find
Harassment Defined
Consequences Defined
Issues with Staff
Contact Listed
Albuquerque Comic Con
Anime New Mexico
Duke City Comic Con*
Indig-enous Comic Con
New Mexico Comic & Film Expo
Roswell Galacticon
Santa Fe Comic Con*

Note: conventions with * have either not updated for several years, have a malfunctioning website, or may be defunct.

Note: Anime New Mexico does technically have a contact box at the bottom of the page, but the reporting process is not described above and someone using the form to report doesn't know where it will be submitted or that it will be considered a viable reporting platform. With a little clearer language, we could elevate this to a 6/6!

Note: Duke City Comic Con's policy is little more than "Cosplay is Not Consent" and is found under the cosplay section, lumped in with other cosplay rules.

Note: The Indigenous Comic Con's policy can only be found by going to FAQ and clicking the link within "See our Cosplay Policy here." As a code of conduct applies to more than just cosplayers, we would urge the convention to place this page in a much more intuitive location.

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