
If you know of a convention that needs to be added to the list or have updated your own convention's policy, you can fill out the form here. If you find any broken links or have any questions about this page, please contact Fractali at This is a perpetual work in progress!

A guide to some of Virginia's laws can be found here.

A means they meet the criterion.
A means they have partially met the criterion.
A means they fail the criterion.

Additional notes for clarification can be found below the table.

Note: conventions with * have either not updated for several years, have a malfunctioning website, or may be defunct.

Note: Anime Mid-Atlantic has a Convention Rules page that mentions harassment on one line.

Note: Collect-A-Con's policy can be found by scrolling to the very bottom of the home page.

Note: GalaxyCon Richmond's mention of harassment can be found only by navigating to Live Event FAQs, clicking "what are your safety policies," then following through to click the "here" link. It is not sufficient enough to call it a policy.

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